Feast Day
NurserySt Mary31st May
ReceptionSt Christopher25th July
Year 1St Anthony of Padua13th June
Year 2St Bernadette16th April
Year 3St George23rd April
Year 4St Patrick17th March
Year 5St Francis of Assisi4th October
Year 6St Teresa of Calcutta5th September

A saint is a person just like you and me that God gave them special graces to in order for them to do special things. All the saints were holy men and women. Some of the saints could work miracles, some could heal, some had the ability to be in two places at once. God knew these people, as He knows us, and gave them these abilities because God knew these people would do His Will.

Each class at St. Patrick’s has a dedicated saint. The children will learn about the Saints life, why they are a good role model and how through their example, we might become closer to Christ ourselves. We will also be asking these saints for their intercessions during our own collective worship.

Nursery: Saint Mary

Feast Day: 8th September

Mary was an important part of God’s plan to bring Jesus, Our Saviour, into the world. She loved and cared for Jesus from the time He was a baby to the time He went back to Heaven. Because Mary had a special calling from God, she never did anything that would offend or hurt God. She was full of grace and virtue.

St Mary… Pray for us..

Reception: Saint Christopher

Feast Day: 25th July

Christopher’s name means “Christ-bearer”. His story tells that he carried a child, who was unknown to him, across a river before the child revealed himself as Christ. He is therefore, the patron saint of travellers. Year 2 will learn that on our journeys in life, we can rely on God and the prayers of the saints.

St Christopher … Pray for Us.

Year 1 Saint Anthony of Padua

Feast day: June 13

St. Anthony of Padua one of the quickest saints to be canonized; only 11 months after his death. He entered the religious order of St. Augustine at the age of 15 then, at the age of 19, he was so inspired by 5 Fransicians who were martyred in Morocco that he joined the Franciscan Order so he could go preach there. He was unable to due to sickness. He changed his name from Fernando Martins to Anthony when he joined to Franciscan Order. St Anthony was a phenomenal preacher. With the encouragement from St. Francis of Assisi, St. Anthony also taught the friars in theology and scripture. St. Anthony’s tongue is incorrupt and is in The Basilica of St. Anthony, Padua, Italy.

St Anthony…. Pray for us.

Click here to see photos from Year 1 class mass.